We are worshipping in person and online!
The 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service will be accessible in real-time!
Click the image to go to church ONLINE!
We are pleased to be able to offer this ministry to you. Your understanding and patience are much appreciated as our audio/visual ministry develops. Things are not always perfect, but we’re learning our way through and doing the best we can.
You can access a Book of Common Prayer, 1979 online HERE
During the Sunday service, you can participate in worship through our “Live Stream” by clicking the image above. Our live stream is also broadcast to our Facebook and Youtube Channel!
Technology is not always reliable. If the “live stream” doesn’t work, the service will be uploaded to YouTube shortly following the service and then shared on Facebook.
St. James depends on your gifts in order to continue in ministry. For your convenience, there is an online giving portal to help you give directly to the parish.
There are many ways to donate to St. James:
- Mail a donation to the parish address below.
- Drop a donation off at the office (door mail slot)
- Give electronically via your bank (sent directly to the office)
- Give via our secure Vanco Online Portal -> HERE