Pastoral Care

Parish Care
The essence of our parish is made up of the people who come together as a church family. As a family, we not only share our spiritual journey; but we also share the joys and sadness experienced in each of our daily lives. While our rector leads pastoral care, specifically by visiting or meeting with parishioners as necessary, this ministry is also supported by many of our lay ministers and visitors who are trained and encouraged within our parish. We have Lay Eucharistic Ministers, as well as a healing prayer team and a prayer quilt ministry.

If you know of someone who may benefit from a visit from either our priest or a Lay Visitor, please contact the office at 423.638.6583.

Care Teams
Our dedicated Care Teams consist of groups of dedicated volunteers who agree to join others in bringing to worship on Sundays those who would otherwise not have transportation. We try to group volunteers so that they are assigned four volunteers to one parishioner so that transportation for the volunteer is only one Sunday per month. These groups also make periodic calls and visits to those they are assigned.

Pastoral Visitation Team
The Pastoral Visitation Team is a group made up of caring people who visit those who are sick, in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and the homebound. The team members take flowers from the altar, goodies, and other items to those they are visiting. But, the most important thing they bring is their presence. It is through their time and attention, that they show the care, concern, and love of the people of God gathered at Saint James.