Worship Ministries

St. James has many opportunities to participate in Worship!

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Young people and adults who have a supportive role in the worship service.  An acolyte can assist in worship by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, holding the Gospel book, holding candles or “torches”, assisting a deacon or priest set up and clean up at the altar, swinging a censer or thurible or carrying the incense boat, handing the offering plates to ushers, and many other tasks as seen fit by the priest or acolyte warden. Contact: Fr. Ken Saunders

Altar Guild
One of the premier and most important “hidden ministries” of the church. The Altar Guild prepares the altar and worship space for regular services, holy days, and the great festivals of the Church such as Christmas and Easter. Preparations for weddings, funerals, and baptisms are also the responsibility of the guild. The guild cares for the linens, communion silver, liturgical paraments, candles, and brass accouterments which are used in the various services. This is a sacred responsibility and ministry in the church. Contact: Charlene Curton.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers)
A small group of parishioners licensed by the Bishop to assist the clergy in the distribution of the wine during Holy Eucharist. Contact: Walt Simmons or Fr. Ken Saunders.

Some Eucharistic Ministers are also Eucharistic Visitors, who are also licensed to go from a Sunday Celebration of the Holy Eucharist (or other principal celebrations of the Holy Eucharist) to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration because of illness or infirmity. Lay Ministers may be licensed for either or both ministries.

The Eucharistic Ministries are understood to be extraordinary ministries and do not take the place of the ministry of priests and deacons concerning the administration of the Holy Eucharist. Prior to the current lay ministry canons, licensed lay readers administered the chalice at the Holy Eucharist, and were known as “chalice bearers.”

Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Licensed by the Bishop to deliver Communion to those unable to participate in our corporate worship due to illness or infirmity. This is an important “in-reach” ministry to those in our parish family who are sick or confined to their home and cannot make it to church. By “extending the rail” in this way, the Holy Eucharist is shared throughout our faith community. By being brought by someone other than the clergy, it brings the fellowship and support of our parish family. Contact: Walt Simmons.

An integral part of our worship at St. James, this group of dedicated individuals joins to make a joyful noise to the Lord (and help the rest of us). Parishioners who can either read music or love to sing are invited to lead the congregation in the hymns appointed for the service, as well as performing anthems on Sundays and other special occasions. The choir is usually off June – August. More on the Choir and Music Ministries Here…

Parishioners who read the Scripture lessons appointed for that day’s worship. This is for anyone who enjoys public reading or bringing voice to the Word of God. Contact: Kathy McCrary.

Our ushers greet and welcome each person as they arrive for worship, seat according to preference, and provide for any special needs during the service. Ushers also assist in the collection of the offering. This is the frontline ministry for radical hospitality—making people feel welcome and at home!