Choirmaster and Organist
James Winfree, CAGO
Jim has been the St. James Episcopal Church choirmaster and organist since 1986. His distinguished career in music includes teaching in public schools for 25 years, at the Adventist Academy for four years, and for many years as an adjunct faculty member at Tusculum College (now University). Jim served as Music Director and accompanist for the Greeneville Little Theater for 25 years and was elected to their Honorary Board of Directors for dedicated service. Jim played the Fifth Brandenburg Concerto in Kingsport and performed the Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 with the Knoxville Chamber Orchestra at Tusculum. He was a piano soloist for George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue with a local band and has performed organ recitals in various cities throughout East Tennessee. Jim served other churches in the area, including the Reformation Lutheran Church in Greeneville, for 24 years. Jim is a Colleague of the American Guild of Organists (CAGO) with over 40 years of membership. CAGO is a prestigious designation that makes him a master among his peers. In the AGO He served as the Knoxville Chapter’s sub-dean, dean, and chair of its Scholarship Committee. Jim is a graduate of Tennessee Technological University School of Music and Art.
Contact Jim
Click HERE For information on the St. James Music Program

Parish Administrator
Kathy McCrary
Kathy is our Parish Administrator. She has been with St. James since 2016 and handles the bookkeeping, keeping up with the server ROTA, scheduling those who use the building, maintaining parish records, and preparing Sunday bulletins. You can find Kathy in the office. Her hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to Noon.
Contact Kathy